Your FREE guide to Folk Events in Kent, Surrey, Sussex and beyond
Around Kent Folk (AKF) is the independent folk magazine for Kent, Surrey, Sussex and beyond and is published six times a year.
AKF issues 1 to 84 were edited by Kathy and Bob Drage. From issue 85 AKF is being edited by Alan Castle and printed by Andy Wood at Anmar Printing Services. We are continuing the magazine with the help of a few other dedicated supporters. AKF is published by Tenterden Folk Festival, registered charity No 1038663, promoting folk song, music, dance, crafts and traditions. Around 700 copies of AKF are distributed to folk clubs, venues, subcribers and others. From issue 86 we started to included a full colour cover and at least three pages of colour adverts. We are also including a page of "News from Sussex" compiled by Vic Smith and "Scene and Heard" from Bob Kenward.
Copy date is 18th of the month:
18th December – February / March
18th February – April / May
18th April – June / July
18th June – August / September
18th August – October / November
18th October - December / January
Advertising rates from issue 115
Full colour:
Back cover £94.00
Inside back or front cover £83.00
Full page (run of issue) £73.00
Half page (run of issue) £45.00
Full page (run of issue) £44.00
Half page (run of issue) £31.00
Quarter page (run of issue) £20.00
Eighth page (run of issue) £12.00 NEW from issue 115
If advert cannot be supplied at the correct size please add £10 to above rates.
We accept adverts by email as high quality PDF, JPEG or TIFF.
Email your adverts to AKF with a copy to Anmar Printing Services
Series discount:
The discount for advance booking and payment of a series of 6 adverts is 15%, but you can still submit new artwork for each advert.
Full page H 180mm x W 130mm
Half page H 85mm x W 130mm
Quarter page H85mm x W 60mm
Eighth page H 42mm x W 60mm
Cheques payable to “Tenterden Folk Day Trust" (NOT Tenterden Folk Festival or Around Kent Folk). Send cheque and hard copy of advert to the address below.
You can also pay by BACS or internet banking. Ask for details.
Postal subscriptions:
£12.00 for one year (6 issues)
Cheque payable
Around Kent Folk ISSN 2634-7830 (Print)
Around Kent Folk ISSN 2634-7849 (Online)
News and reviews
We welcome CDs, books, etc. for review..
AKF also welcomes news and reviews of live gigs, festivals, etc. which you have attended.
Contact details:
Alan Castle Editor
Andy Wood, Anmar Printing Services
Tenterden Folk Festival: promoting folk song, music, dance, crafts and traditions: Registered charity No 1038663
© 2024/25